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How to get started with SAS training?

Welcome to on-line SAS training. This is an innovated way of providing training, taking it away from just reading reference manuals to actually demonstrating how things are done, as if you were in a class room. Of course it is nice to have reading materials to read through and try to work out what is happening, however, its often easier and quicker when you are guided by an experienced trainer, pointing out all the important aspects of a particular training topic.

Our SAS training program is set up in small modules. Everyone is different and you are the best person to know what your weakness is. You are then free to select the modules you wish to learn or get a revision in. The modules are grouped into categories to make it easier for selection. They are ordered in a sequence that will ensure that is you are a beginner, you can work through one after the other to get a comprehensive training in all the aspects of that topic. You can choose as many or as few categories as you wish.

The website is simple and easy to use. Look at all the SAS training topics and modules we offer. Next to each you will see how long the training session lasts and how much it costs. Select a module to get an overview of what will be covered during the training. It will also show if you have enough credit to take the course. If not then you can select to add more credit. If yes, then you can click to start the training. Its that simple. Once you have completed the training there will be a small questionnaire to ensure that you have understood the module, and then you will receive your training certificate which you can store in your training folder,

There are also some free SAS training modules. Please feel free to take these to see how we train and what we cover. I am sure that once you take these, you will like the format and you will take more topics which you feel you need training in. We think we are providing you exactly what you need, but if you have any comments or suggestions of what you would like to see more or less of, then please let us know in the feedback.

I wish you all the best, and I hope you enjoy your training session.


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